Lay down scripts that were never yours to carry

Lay down scripts that were never yours to carry

How to identify the real origins of your goals and release the ones that come from others (that keep getting you off track).

Meg Pagani
Welcome to Tools of Power – my new format focused on proven methods to regain power, clarity and sense of agency.

These are shorter, action-oriented posts: context + method + why it works.

Hope they serve you as much as they served me! ~M


When we strive for goals that aren't ours, we hurt ourselves. Or others.

We are relational beings, hard-wired for belonging. So we spend the first decade(s) of our life unconsciously adopting behaviours, preferences and "scripts" of those around us. We take on scripts that were never ours to carry.

The result: we achieve things, go after ideas of success and keep aiming for goals that are compelling but that just never make us feel really fulfilled. A lot of damage is done in the world because we're unhappy but unable to break out of these loops.

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